Monday, October 06, 2008

Got back from the birmingham con late last night and I've been scouring the internet for anybody that has scanned some of my sketches. If I did a sketch for you this weekend and you have it online can you please email me the URL at Many thanks.

Below are a couple I have found so far.

P.S. Dave, if you read this. I'm going to do a special peice to give to you at Bristol next year :)


Ricardo Victoria said...


You did an sketch of Green Arrow for me in Sunday. Thanks for it by the way. I can't access to my mail at the moment (server is down) but I can leave you here the link of the picture:

Again, thanks a lot for the sketch. =)

P.S: If this url doesn't work I will send you an email as soon as my mail is working.

Ricardo Victoria said...

Mail with the URL sent, an apology if the link in the previous comment didn't work.